When it comes to coal production and consumption, no other region can compete with Asia Pacific. The region is now the world largest coal producer and consumer.
In 2018, Asia Pacific accounts for:
- 75% of the global coal consumption
- 72% of the global coal production

The World Coal Production and Consumption, Source: BP Statistical Review 2019
The world largest coal producers:
- China (47%)
- USA (9%)
- Indonesia (8%)
- India (7.8%)
- Australia (7.6%)
The world largest coal consumers:
- China (50.5%)
- India (11.9%)
- USA (8.4%)
- Australia (3.1%)
- South Korea (2.3%)
What you need to know about China when it comes to coal:
- In 2018, China accounted for half of the global growth in coal production (82.2 Million Tones).
- China coal consumption is way more than two times the consumption of (North and South America, Europe, Middle East and Africa combined).
- China alone account for more than half of the global coal production.