Unconventional hydrocarbons resources are resources found in reservoirs with geological characteristics and locations that are different from those where conventional oil and gas resources are usually produced.
Different types of unconventional hydrocarbon resources are:
- Shale gas: natural gas from shale formations
- Shale or tight oil: crude oil from shale formations or other formations with low permeability
- Coalbed methane: natural gas from coal seams
Europe Shale Gas
Among these unconventional hydrocarbon resources, shale gas is considered as one the unconventional fossil fuel with the greatest potential for development in Europe.
According to Energy Information Administration, European Union countries have more than 470 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable resources of shale gas.

While Europe countries have significant shale resources, policies adapted by the EU countries are not in favor of shale gas development. Among EU countries, only Poland has ongoing exploratory programs. France and Bulgaria have banned hydraulic fracturing.